

About: SafeDriveGM

Recent Posts by SafeDriveGM

Nich & Diana Cunliffe

“ I opened the door saying the keys are where we left them, and a two police officers where standing there” James was our first child of 4 and had two sisters and a brother. Growing up he was the leader of our pack with all his siblings looking up to him. He was kind and
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Car Insurance for Young Persons

Insurance premiums are higher for young drivers because you are classed as being in a “high risk group”. But there are some things you can do to help keep them down: Having telematics, a “black box” fitted to your car to demonstrate that you are a safe driver Improving your car security Gaining additional driving qualifications such as
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FREE Transport

FREE Transport to and from our event is organised by us! Hassle free for all groups who attend.  
  • All coaches are fitted with seat belts
  • Students are welcome to eat their lunches on the coaches
  • Pick up & drop off can be tailored to meet your needs
  Contact us 0161 608 4040 or email safedrivegm@manchesterfire.gov.uk for
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